- Butterfield Trading Post Mexican Imports, Indian Jewelry, Blankets, Rugs, Clothing, Outdoor furniture, Potery and Curios
- GenForumPost messages to others researching your line.
- Gendex An ambitious site seeking to connect the information of all genealogists in a compatible format.
- Ancestry Connections Easy Links to surname web sites.
- USGenweb Project a network of Genealogical Web Pages covering all the counties in the United States and maintained by local genealogists. Excellent!
- ROOTS-L a Surname data base allowing information exchange between people researching the same surname. Excellent!
- Cyndy's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet It is said, If Cyndi doesn't have it, it isn't there. Excellent!
- Family Tree MakerTry Internet Family Finder to search for your ancestors.
- Ancestral Quest Program written for Windows and based on PAF.
- Family Photo HistorianA guide to organizing, selecting, preserving, and displaying your family photos.
Visual Arts
- Welcome to "Si, Spain" A well rounded overview of History, Culture, Travel, Education, Health and Politics with a choice of English, German, French or Spanish text.
- INFOCADIZ This site is in Spanish. It is about Cadiz, Spain's Atlantic port. The pictures of the monuments are lovely even if you can't read the history.
- Valencia: A Virtual Trip An English language tour of Valencia, located on the Eastern coast of Spain.
- CadizNet This site is in Spanish but a look through their album of pictures is interesting. A guide to towns, natural resources, history, art, monuments, traditions and fiestas of the province of Cadiz. There are good links here to other Spanish pages.
Other Links
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Original material copyright by Nita Munoz 23 May 1997
[ E-Mail me] [Nita Muņoz: nitamunoz@flash.net]
Page last Updated: 18 Dec 1998
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